journal of light construction
Three columns constructed from oyster shells collected along the gulf coast of Galveston Island, Texas.
Living on Galveston, I became aware of the abundance of oyster shells and the important role they play in the foundations, aggregates of building materials and roads as well as in the brackish coastal life of the island. As I learned more about the ways the communal oyster significantly contributes to the quality of aquaculture, provides important infrastructure to coastal lines, fuels economies and, of course, appears heavily in culture through the ages, I took this sculptural project on as an experimental construction of a simple architectural form that relies on the process of time, negotiating collective balance and interdependent physical strengths, limitations and failures.
oyster shells, mortar, fishing line, spray paint & shims
tallest column: 10' x 1' x 1'
photo credit: Dan Schmahl, Eric Scnell and Kristina Estell
The shell constructions were returned to Galveston Bay after the exhibition to contribute to future oyster reef culture.